Covid news

Great News !! 

All services are resumed …

If you would like to make a booking for Colonic Hydrotherapy or Reflexology please contact me on 01233 63500, if  I am unable to get to the phone, please leave a message with your name and a contact no . Please can you speak clearly when giving your number.

Alternatively you can Text me on 07786 983799 . Please leave a message and your name . I will get back to you as soon as possible to arrange an appointment .


I must add it is imperative that you :

Have not got or had recently a cough or  temperature for the past 7 days, or been in contact with anyone with Coronavirus for 10 days.  

You will be asked to sanitise your hands. We prefer you  to wear a face covering, so please can you bring one with you. 

All being well….    We look forward to Seeing you !! 

 Colonic Hydrotherapy and Reflexology , Please call Mary on  01233 635000 or text on 07786 983799 for an appointment.


Chiropody and Podiatry  For further information or make a clinic appointment please call Christine on 07958 328525


 Mobile Foot Health Practitioner   For home calls  Corns, Callus, Verrucas, Ingrowing toenails, nail trimming, thicken and Fungal nails and diabetic feet. Full comprehensive treatment including a neuropathy assessment, if required, is included. To make an appointment : email or call 07590560936


Ashford : Micro suction Ear Wax Removal to make an appointment please call 0800 133 7987 or book online :  Save £10 on your first visit if you book online.








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